Young Faces of Douar Laadam

Young Ones. Douar Laadam, Marrakech. February 2015. 

Young Ones. Douar Laadam, Marrakech. February 2015. 

The purpose of Project SOAR is to help provide an outlet for the children, specifically the young girls, who live in Douar Laadam. Week by week, Project SOAR does their part to help this village, and once you see the young faces in this town, you can understand why. 

When we went into the villlage all the kids playing in the streets nearby would come watch and interact with us. They were so curious about the Swatchroom Service team and what we were up to. The kids kept us company while we painted, climbed ladders, worked to music, and in return we showed them photos from our smart phones. I couldn't help but take a few pictures to remember these young kids with their exuberant personalities and burgeoning potential.