A Place to Worship. Marrakech, Morocco. February 2015.
A Slight Deviation
Today I take a slight deviation from travel photos I have taken to highlight someone else's work! I was lucky enough to be profiled in the Late Spring 2015 issue of Capitol File Magazine. I really owe a big thank you to everyone who contributed in making this happen. Thank you John McCarthy, Nikki Schwab, Dominique Fierro, Mintwood Place, Natalie Jones, Ambassador Rufus Gifford, Amy Moeller, and Laura Mullen. Big thank you to the Cap File Mag family for having the foresight to create a "Women of Influence" issue. It's smart and progressive. The issue features many amazing women from around the district and you can read it here.
Photo by Dominique Fierro
Glass Ceiling
The Glass Ceiling. Paris, France. August 2012.
I thought this was a timely photo to post as it coincides with The Clinton Foundation & The Gates Foundation's 'No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project" report. The retrospective report compiles 20 years of data on the status of women, girls, and gender equality. Two decades since former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed the United Nations Conference in Beijing, delcaring that "women's rights are human rights," progress has been made, however there are still significant barriers to closing the gender gap around the world. To draw attention to this disparity, Secretary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton launched the 'Not There' global campaign yesterday on International Women's Day to draw much needed attention to gender equality. I hope that we can finally break through the glass ceiling before another 20 years goes by.
Young Faces of Douar Laadam
Young Ones. Douar Laadam, Marrakech. February 2015.
The purpose of Project SOAR is to help provide an outlet for the children, specifically the young girls, who live in Douar Laadam. Week by week, Project SOAR does their part to help this village, and once you see the young faces in this town, you can understand why.
When we went into the villlage all the kids playing in the streets nearby would come watch and interact with us. They were so curious about the Swatchroom Service team and what we were up to. The kids kept us company while we painted, climbed ladders, worked to music, and in return we showed them photos from our smart phones. I couldn't help but take a few pictures to remember these young kids with their exuberant personalities and burgeoning potential.
Creating an Impact Through Swatchroom Service
Painting the doors to the new 'Project SOAR' headquarters located in Douar Ladaam, Marrakech. February 2015.
I never thought that I would enjoy inhaling oil paints, climbing ladders, and getting bumps and bruises; however, my recent trip to Marrakech proved that I could.
Earlier this month, I had the privilege to be invited on a service trip to Marrakech organized by my good friend and creative force Maggie O'Neill, co-founder of creative design firm Swatchroom. As small business owners, Maggie and her partner Warren Weixler have made local and international service a priority for Swatchroom. One of the beneficiaries of their service is Project SOAR, a young non-profit organization based in Douar Ladaam, a community 20 minutes outside downtown Marrakech. Project SOAR's mission is to provide extracurricular arts, health, and sports education to the young girls in this small community.
Maggie first traveled to Douar Ladaam a few years ago on a project for boutique hotel Peacock Pavilions. Peacock Pavilions was the vision of Maryam Montague and Chris Redecke, two individuals who also had visions of making a positive impact on the community right outside of their hotel walls. Maryam and Chris created Project SOAR, and Maggie was asked to join their Board. As a Board Member, Maggie organized creative service trips to Douar Ladaam, and this year I was lucky enough to participate in one.
The primary purpose of our service trip was to get our hands dirty painting, staining, and decorating facilities used by Project SOAR girls. Our Swatchroom Service team spent a week painting a new mural on a wall next to a basketball court the girls use to play, ombréing, staining, and stenciling the tent walls for their yoga tent, and painting the brand new Project SOAR headquarters building.
We were also fortunate to participate in a Project SOAR Sunday where once a week, 40-50 young girls ranging in age from 4-14 participate in extracurricular programming. Programs range from yoga and basketball to lectures on health and hygiene. Our Project SOAR Sunday was centered on the arts. The young girls helped put the finishing touches on our wall mural and yoga tent walls.
It was incredibly heartwarming watching these young girls light up as they picked up paint brushes. We may not have been able to communicate linguistically, but we were able to connect through art. It was also incredibly satisfying completing and accomplishing our projects with friends. It is a service experience I will never forget and a fantastic way to begin the new year.
I must give a shoutout to my fellow 2015 Swatchroom Service teammates Shannon Case, Zoe Feldman, Dominique Fierro, Paige Speyer, and of course, our fearless leader, Maggie O'Neill. Check out these amazing women:
Zoe Feldman: Zoe Feldman Design
Dominque Fierro: Dominique Fierro Photo and Design
Maggie O'Neill: Swatchroom & Maggie O'Neill Fine Art
Paige Speyer: Wink