Here I Am. Milan, Italy. May 2015.
I apologize for the long quiet absence from About three weeks ago I moved to Milan to take a grand leap of faith across the Atlantic and join the USA Pavilion staff at Expo Milano 2015. Doors opened to the World Expo on May 1st and it has been a whirlwind leading up to the Expo and a whirlwind since doors opened. I have not had much free time to see the city just yet, but I have seen some fantastic international pavilions on Expo grounds. The Expo is going to provide a lot of great content so I hope you are still there and interested in seeing what life will be like for the next 6 months.
The photo above was taken on the one day off I have had so far. I was determined to spend sunset on the roof terrace of The Duomo. I stayed on the roof for two and a half hours, perhaps a little excessive, but I met a lot of interesting people while there; a group of young men from London, an American couple, and a group of instagrammers from around Milan. I struck up a particularly nice conversation with Marco Lamberto, one of the IG meet up members who is an excellent photographer. Marco was kind enough to take some photos of me since I was spending the evening sola.
I promise to pick up the speed and start posting again so I hope you continue to come back!